GO Festival: Melbourne’s Largest Women’s Expo
You know an exhibition is going to be wonderful when you walk in and the smell is absolutely divine. You pick up the scent of relaxing essential oils mingled with women’s perfume, you’re handed a...
View ArticleTop Public Servant Wins NSW Business Woman Of The Year
Former nurse turned public servant, Jeanine Biviano, who was responsible for consolidating 58 separate government entities onto a single finance and payroll system, has been named the 2013 Telstra New...
View ArticleWomen To Run The World, Not Long Now
It’s a gorgeous day outside. The kind of day Melbourne turns on so very rarely; warm, sunny, a gentle breeze and not a cloud in the sky. It would take something pretty special to drag an auditorium...
View ArticleThis Employer Offers An Extra “Health and Happiness Day” Of Leave. Every Month.
As a lover of all things health and wellness, I have followed the Swisse Wellness story for several years now with much interest. Boasting an impressive list of celebrity ambassadors which makes their...
View ArticleEvent Review: The Secrets to Style Success Workshop
I have a confession to make. Throughout my teens and into adulthood I have suffered from many a beauty and fashion faux pas. It all started with those ‘I heart USA’ tops and the all-denim look in the...
View ArticleEnterprise Melbourne: Women in Business Luncheon
I have an embarrassing story to share. I was so excited about the upcoming Women in Business luncheon, that I actually arrived a day early for it! So when the actual day arrived I was pretty excited to...
View ArticleMake-up Can Make A Difference
Currently there are 350,000 women registered as looking for work in Australia. Fitted For Work An overwhelming majority of women (84%) believe that there is a double standard between men and women...
View ArticleInfluentual Women In Business Tackle Key Issues
Australia’s rising female leaders, researchers and economists debated the issues that impact on a woman’s journey to career success and personal fulfillment at the SWB13 Sustaining Women in Business...
View ArticleYour Brand Goes Beyond Your Logo
Branding; for some it can be an abstract concept. That ‘thing’ that we just don’t quite get but know it’s important. For others, they might think it’s just a fancy way of saying you need a logo but by...
View ArticleImagine Living A Fearless Life
Imagine what life would be like with no doubts, no fears and no limits? That’s exactly what Fearless 2013, hosted by SHE Business on 11 December, aimed to achieve. Fearless was an opportunity for women...
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